We are leaving in 3 weeks, so we have a ton to do before we leave. YEs..i AM extremely nervous, but upon making this decision, I decided I will be happy no matter the circumstances. Matt is excited to play ball some more, and I am excited to see other countries (something I have never done before)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Germany..here we come:)
Before the hair cut...
And after...my handsome little man:)
Mom and Colty
We found this outfit a couple of months ago-and he has been waiting to wear it. Matt Said Only a baby is allowed to wear this, I think it's soo cute! (a little big still)

This is the funniest picture I have ever seen..his feet look reeeally big
We are leaving in 3 weeks, so we have a ton to do before we leave. YEs..i AM extremely nervous, but upon making this decision, I decided I will be happy no matter the circumstances. Matt is excited to play ball some more, and I am excited to see other countries (something I have never done before)
We are leaving in 3 weeks, so we have a ton to do before we leave. YEs..i AM extremely nervous, but upon making this decision, I decided I will be happy no matter the circumstances. Matt is excited to play ball some more, and I am excited to see other countries (something I have never done before)
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I love that outfit on Colty! I hope you guys have so much fun over there! I can't believe you leave so soon! Hopefully we will get to see you before you leave!
Um not too sure about the supermarkets over there in Germany but here in France you can’t get baby medicine from the store, like at Walmart, you have to get it from the pharmacy.. .that is not a problem ether but you have to get a prescription.. oh and that is way different over here too, it is pretty much free and your Dr. is more than willing to give you a prescription when ever… But bring some, I always stalk up for Malik… like Infant Tylenol, teething tablets, gel…. Children’s Benadryl…. Tylenol , Ibuprofen for you guys….. Neosporin…. Um, Diaper rash cream… You will soon learn what things are and where to get them… Oh and it so so so helps finding your local Branch or Ward… Most people there will speak a little English and it is so great to not feel so alone at first… They are so willing to help, and they know where to get things that you have no clue where to get them… Oh and they know the translations of stuff too…. Some of our greatest friend we have over here we met at church… So that helps a TON!!! I am not sure what other things you have questions about, but PLEASE PLEASE ask US!!!! Oh we are so excited to have tyou guys close and we can better keep up and it sure helps to have a friend that thinks the same be so close and we can share things… Oh quick funny story… My first time shopping over here I could not for the life of me get a shopping cart out of the stack to use…. I did not speak the language at all ,and I was jet lagged, hungry and so frustrated, oh and by myself, hubbie was at practice… I even tried to take a cart that a lady was bringing back, she looked at me like I was crazy.. ha ha… Well we know have learned that the carts are all locked together and you have to use a coin to get them out, then when you are done you hook them back and you get your coin out… but you will have similar experience ahead of you , we look back now and smile and laugh and love it… We love living in France, we are going on our 4th year over here… It is a super experience and I would not trade it for anything! Oh here is out number over her too,
(33 6 84 99 53 41 ) and my email is hebhoops22@gmail.com Well so so excited for you guys.. if there is anything we can do for ya let us know!!! See ya soon our European buds!!! :)
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Wow Chels this is so excitng!! I am so happy for you guys!!! This is such a neat and amazing experience you’re about to have... Yea Colton and Malik are like not even a month apart I think!! Malik is 6 n 1/2 months... Colton is such a cutie!! He so reminds me of Malik too, in so many ways ! Espesialy in the photo where Colton is trying to eat the pop can, haha so funny! Ok so off to Germany! It is a whole new world out here but the same as home too in a way… Yes we are close like an hour plane ride!! So we will for sure have to hook up and see each other … Oh so fun, I am excited to have you be so close!! My best advice for you and your family is to make EVERYTHING and “Adventure” and remember the experience you are having… There will be times when you are homesick and maybe wonder why you came out here but if you try and love, People the Country and the Culture and the experience and enjoy your little family and remember the blessings of being overseas you will love your time over here…. Ok so at first it can be a little stressful, New culture and new language, new home n lifestyle exc, oh and Jet lag!! … You will soon get used to it and love it! You will find little stores you love to shop at, little fun places to eat and places you love to take Colton on walks.. With the language we speak French! Well I don’t very well, but my husband does, he kinda has too to be successful over here…. Especially over here in France they are very “French Minded” everything French… Not sure if it is the same in Germany… but people do speak English too, of you try and speak German with them they will try and speak back in English… But we had classes at first.. and after about one year Salesi was pretty fluent…. It is easyer for our hubbies because they are surrounded with the language by being involved at practice exc… We just stay home with our little ones…
Opps posted my post backwards.. haha well sure you discoverd that!!! :) Ok talk to you soon! :)
Congrats and goodluck!!!
That's awesome! I don't know anyone that has lived in Germany playing basketball, but I have known a lot of families that lived there through the military and they loved it!
Congrats! You guys will do great and love the experiences that you have. Have lots of fun and hopefully we'll meet up somewhere in Europe next season!
Wow that is so exciting! Do you know where in Germany you guys will be? Germany and Czech are neighbors so thats why I ask. Tim played in Germany a few times I think, if I remember right. Anyways I agree with your other friend it is definetly an experience, but you will not regret it. You will learn a ton and have so much fun traveling and learning about other cultures. I agree to stock up on things for Colton as you never know what they have. Stores there are very different and I had my mom sending me tons of stuff, but I was having pregnancy cravings so you may not have that issue! Along with having to pay for a shopping cart, we were also surprised we had to pay for bags to bring our food home in! So we started bring backpacks and stuff to use. I can't wait to tell Tim. He'll be so excited as well. Can't wait to hear how everything is once you get there!
So Germany huh? Wow that is so great!! I have come to the conclusion that you can be happy where ever you are when you are with your family. Seriously, sometimes I feel like I'm in a different country in NY but I love it. Think, how many people will have the opportunity that you guys are having? Not many! I'm sure it will be so great. And by the way I hope my son is half as cute as "baby Colty" (Is what I believe Mikkel calls him)seriously, he is so stinking cute!!!
WOW! I can't imagine what a change that would be! Congratulations though and best of luck! Good luck learning the language too. =o)P.S. Colton is SOOO CUTE!!!!!
You are too cute!!!! Seriously ASK ALL THE QUESTIONS YOU WANT!!! Yes they have baby food, Malik is just starting to eat the ones over here and LOVES them! Tons of baby stuff, and if you get there and can’t seem to find anything, ( but that won’t be the case) I can send you some!! LOL :) I love Johnson’s baby wash, and I had my mom send me a ton and i even brought some back with me... I shouldn’t have, i found some in the super markets that smells almost the same over here.. When Malik was born they gave me all this really nice baby stuff at the hospital, I love the shampoo for him, i buy it for him now you get it at the Pharmacy... I love it just as much as Johnsons, I will actually miss it whenever we go back to America. We have a Home phones and we both have cell phones.... When we got here we go it all hooked up.... You will go through a provider that is Germany based most likely.... Oh but don’t be worry, there is so much stuff over here. It is just not the same as America, we are too spoiled... Like most things you have to make from Scratch, well (talking about France) but you learn how to cook, it is neat. Oh and the BAGS, yea they do coast money, but they are heavy duty bags and you re-use them.... every time you go shopping you take them with you and keep doing the same thing... they are not expensive they are only like 1 euro...They are way in to Recycling over here, that is why they do it... If you forget they will give you plastic ones for like 3 cents, or for free... but we bring our bags every time.... Does Matt know a second language??? If so that will help a TON to help him pick up German.. By the way I Love GERMANY!!! I have some German channels on our satellite and I watch them all the time... My dad speaks German and I have two aunts and uncles that speak too... Oh you’re going to love it over here... Oh you like chocolate, and pastries... YUMMY YUMMY!!! Your goanna love all the sweets over in Germany. Oh Chelse this is the best experience ever, and it is a great way to experience different culture and to go drive and visit other places.. Or Take a Train… The transportation system in Europe is Wonderful. Oh and the Markets are so fun to get things too…. The Healthcare system is Great… Having Malik over cost us nothing, they even gave me money to have him… A lot too! While I was pregnant I had like 5 or 6 ultrasounds and very good pre natal care….Um I will keep thinking of things that might help you guys out…. Um don’t pack too much, it cost so much these days on the plane to take luggage, and you can get things over here…. When we first came we just brought clothes…. Oh do you know if in matt’s contract your apartment is furnished??? If it is not don’t worry you can get it all here….. IKEA!!!!!! The stores are from over here…. Well Malik is waking up so better go , but talk to you soon!!!
SO cute! That is so exciting to be able to live in Germany! We've talked about living abroad sometime... amazing opportunity! Have so much fun!!
OMG, have fun and good luck!! Yall are the cutest family, CONGRATS!!
Welcome to Weißenfels Matt and of course welcome Chelsey and Colton. We are proud to have you in our team. Your Family seems to be very funny as we can see. I think you will love it here. Weißenfels is a small, quit town. There is nothing but Basketball here ;o) Never the less we have McDonalds and Burger King here.....important for an American, i think ;o). But if you or Chelsey like to go shopping, the city of Leipzig with 500.000 residents is only 20 Minutes away. East Germanys biggest Shopping Center is only 10 Minutes from Weißenfels. To Berlin the heart of Berlin you need 2 hours by car. So have a nice trip an let us know, if you have questions about Weißenfels or the life here in Germany.
Greatings from Weißenfels!
P.S. Have you heard about our crazy Fans? So watch this! ;o)
And: try to bring Johnnie Gilbert back from over there...hes great!
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