Friday, November 11, 2011


I am thankful for Colton and Mylee.  (This counts as 2 days :))
Colton will be 3 years old in a few weeks.  He is the sweetest little boy.  He has been a really slow to start talking and sometimes it breaks my heart to see him trying to communicate and can't. 
He gives the best kisses and hugs, is very even-tempered, loves to help me clean-up his toys and does it very willingly, I seriously can not imagine my life without that little man.  He has brought SO much joy into our home.  I will always treasure taking him to Germany with us when he was 8 months old and Matt leaving me there for a week alone, not knowing anyone, How grateful I was for that sweet little 8 month old.  I love him more than ever and am SO glad I get to be his mom.

Mylee- this little girl can melt anyone's heart. I remember the night before I went in to be induced with her I cried and cried that I would not be able to love another baby as much as Colton.  But, it amazes me how much love you can keep giving, because this little girl had me wrapped around her finger the moment she was born.  She will give you a big old, dimply smile any time you look at her.  She gives the best kisses and she LOVES her little family.  She is definitely a mama's girl, but as soon as her dad walks in the room, she wants his attention!  And Colton, that's a whole different story, she follows him around all day and wants to do everything that he does.  I think it's the sweetest thing.

Being a mom is definitely not the easiest thing...there are lots of rough days, but even more great moments to make up for those bad days!  I have been really busy the past couple of weeks, and I feel like when I get busy, I start trying to get out of the house every day just to not have to sit at home all day with my kids....So the past couple of days I have been questioning my role right now.  I am a stay at home mom, I should TREASURE being at home with my kids, sitting on the ground and playing with them, cuddling up and watching movies, teaching them the alphabet, singing with them, dancing with them, drawing with them, feeding them, etc. etc.  Pretty soon, they are going to be gone at school all day and I am going to miss spending all day every day with them and them depending on me! 

So, I am thankful that I can be a mom.  Thankful for my kids.  And thankful for Heavenly Father guiding me, reminding me of my role and the importance of it because it is easy to feel like everything you do as a mom is of no importance. 

1 comment:

Megan said...

Such cute kids Chelsey!!! I'm sure you are an awesome mom!

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